Telling the truth about blackness in a white world
Sekai Makoni is a writer, speaker, activist, podcast host and training facilitator. She is currently based in Amsterdam but grew up in Cambridge and London. Sekai moved to The Netherlands …
Inspiring and relatable snippets of the lives of women Of Africa
Sekai Makoni is a writer, speaker, activist, podcast host and training facilitator. She is currently based in Amsterdam but grew up in Cambridge and London. Sekai moved to The Netherlands …
Innovative ideas are often cultivated from a very young age – often without us even knowing it. However, it takes experience, insight, passion and intelligence to harness them into reality. …
Busisiwe Catherine Seabe is an author, entrepreneur, and activist. She is a social justice advocate and a student leader of the #WitsFeesMustFall movement at The University of the …
Minna Salami is a Nigerian, Finnish and Swedish writer, blogger and speaker. She is the founder of the feminist blog, MsAfropolitan, which connects feminism with contemporary culture from an …
Still A Mum is a charity that supports women and families dealing with miscarriages, stillbirth and infant loss. They operate in Africa, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, working to improve …
Mariette Immaculate is a creative director, designer and content creator from London. Over the last seven years, she has been using the internet to express herself with her platform Catface …
Pamela Ohene-Nyako is the founder of Afrolitt, a bilingual literary platform. Its mission is to use Black literature as a tool for critical knowledge, sharing and societal or personal …
Shanti Silos is an international speaker, writer, filmmaker, multi-entrepreneur, and life – & business coach from The Netherlands. She inspires and motivates others to reconnect with …
Mae Sithole was born in Zimbabwe but grew up internationally. For the last ten years, she has been based in Cape Town, South Africa. She is the lead singer of the Mae Sithole band and also …
Dr. Rose Mutiso is proud to be a scientist. She is the co-founder and CEO of the Mawazo Institute, a nonprofit research institute based in Nairobi, Kenya that supports the next generation of …